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Written by APPLE PRINT AND CREATIVE | Dec 10, 2020 12:00:00 AM

2020 has been a turbulent year for us all due to covid 19 and it has changed how we go through our daily life. Things such as a national lockdown or wearing a facemask has become our new norm. I am sure you can agree that these changes have been something to adjust to. It gives pleasure for us to globally celebrate the new breakthrough of a vaccine. With year 2021 approaching just around the corner, we can look forward to creating a more positive year. We give you tips for your business to thrive through 2021, where you can create a positive business for a positive new year. 

1. ​Embracing change

Changes have been made due to covid 19. Moving into 2021, it is these changes that will need to be embraced in order to stay ahead. Market trends change all the time, so this hopefully won’t be too much of a task. With an eye for catching unique opportunities to move your business forward, and a mind for brainstorming the possibilities of dominating the market, your business should thrive.  


​2. Keeping customer experience

Customer experience is always the forefront of impressions when it comes to your business. Good customer experience can range from having a user-friendly website to friendly communication from staff. Post covid 19, 59% of consumers cared more about customer experience before they decided what company to buy from. This is an example of how powerful customer experience will be in dictating purchases in year 2021. If this is something you are already doing for your business, then keep up the good work. Afterall happy customers, happy business.

3. Data driven decision making ​

We will use an analogy to explain this. Let us pretend that data is gold. Effort needs to be used in order to find the data which is gold. At first you are unaware of where the gold is, so you make hit and miss mining attempts to find it. When you find a gold mine, you know you have found a winner. Data needs to be collected overtime in order to make determinations for the best direction to take your business where you are more likely to increase conversion rates. 

​4. Realtime customer service

Real time customer service is being able to engage with customers without delay. This is a form of providing a good customer experience and using data for effective decision making. This can be done from taking a proactive approach in ensuring enough staff are available on popularly used platforms, to offering self-service to customers in order for them to complete the service without the wait for staff. Not only will real time service make your customers happier, it will also benefit your business. If your business has not incorporated this yet, now is the time to!


5. Enjoy the new year!

Most of all, don’t forget to enjoy the new year! If your business is oozing with happiness, it will surely rub off on to your customers. A saying goes, work hard play hard. We say, enjoy 2021.

