
An april update



What we've been up to at The Orchard 

We thought we would quickly touch base to give you an update on the goings on here at AP&C. Although we’ve been open for business, it has certainly been anything but usual adapting to the changes that come with social distancing.
In recent weeks we have been fortunate to have the opportunity to support the jobs being done by our valued essential workers. Our print machines have been working hard to ensure the essential businesses we work with have the signage and printed materials they need.


PictureIn the Print Room:
Our Apple Print OG’s Andrew and John have been back to their roots, doing double-duty on the business end and production end of things- keeping the ball rolling  and  keeping the 
printing presses  running. It seems they haven’t lost their touch!

  • We have successfully donated the signage necessary for operation of the NHS primary care response hub in Newbury. 

  • We have produced Ventilator User Manuals for an industry leading medical company, with 3000 copies produced to date- the largest of our projects completed during this lockdown period. 

In the Studio:
The studio has been full steam ahead, continuing to support our ongoing client projects and campaigns as well as planning ahead for new ones. This includes visual support of virtual meetings, small business social media communications and even a bit of re-branding for clients who want to make the most of this time of transition.  The Creative Team  have had our backs from home!
In the Marketing Lounge:
PictureStaying adaptable and proactive is our focus! The  team  have one eye ahead, and one eye on comms to be sure our clients and their customers are kept up to date. The Marketing Team have been busy looking ahead to stay on top the of fast-changing industry trends.


In the Print Room:
Our Apple Print OG’s Andrew and John have been back to their roots, doing double-duty on the business end and production end of things- keeping the ball rolling  and  keeping the  printing presses  running. It seems they haven’t lost their touch!


As a team, our mission is to facilitate the work of our essential workers, support our trusted clients, and stay ahead of the curve as we all work together to flatten the curve.

There you have it! That’s the scoop from here at AP&C!

We hope you’re all doing well and finding ways to make the most of your time working from home and look forward to seeing you again soon!

Should there be any way in which we can support you, your business, or otherwise, don’t hesitate to give us a shout. We’ve got your back in these changing times!





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