Telling customers you're 
back in action, and taking action


​When re-opening, many small businesses won't have the luxury of a helpful employee at their entrance to remind customers of the social distancing regulations.
For shops like Sainsbury's and Tesco, it has become common place, but in the absence of "business bouncers", how do independent shop owners plant the social distancing seed to their customers? Should we all start investing in social distancing wallpaper? 
No need to poster the walls like an old music venue (although that might look very, very cool). Instead, consider the trajectory of your customers and clients- from entrance to first point of contact and any notable areas of direction in between.
First and foremost, touch base at the point of "Come on in!" and again at “How can I help?”. 
If you are a small shop, cafe or salon, a sign outside your storefront can let customers know you’re back in action as well as taking action. A bit of peace of mind for all.
For a larger storefront or street-facing entrance such as a pharmacy or restaurant, a larger pull-up banner may be the visual way forward. With great size comes great responsibility so you'll have to account for the higher foot traffic and likely higher sensitivity needed.
Next, consider any other directions frequently asked for:
“Where can I find the restroom?”
“Do you have hand sanitiser available?”
“Do you have outdoor seating?”
Lastly, consider any potential gathering place or waiting area such as a service counter, kiosk, washroom, kitchen entrance, employee break or smoking area.
Not sure what you need? Give us a shout! We'll point you (and your customers) in the right direction.









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